Wednesday, July 5, 2017

something familiar

I can't believe that my days off are almost done.  They went by way to fast.  I must say that most of them were fun filled.  I didn't get nearly as much of my to do list done like I wanted too but oh well...I need to now get stuff done on my few days off that I have between work.  I am really looking forward to having every other weekend off!!

So I am having a bit of an issue getting back on track with my eating so yesterday i decided to go back to something i am familiar with.  I am going to start tracking my points again.  I thankfully had kept my on line membership and have 2 books to track what i eat.  So far it is going well but I am only on day 2.  I have been doing ok with the exercise and hopefully will be able to keep that up.  I am going to start up again with personal training.  I am actually doing 1 tomorrow and a class right after.  I am hoping that because I will be working this weekend it shouldn't be any problem staying within my points.  I need to really be good on days that I don't have anything planned.  I have quite a few things still doing up but I know that I can still get the weight off.

Well hopefully I will have good things to say about how I do with weight watchers.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Glorious Days Off....

Saturday morning was the beginning of my 13 days off.  I am so happy to have a big stretch off.  It feels like forever since I have had a big stretch off.   I have some plans for these days off and I hope to get most of it accomplished :)

  1. I have a list of things I would like to have done around the house.  Today is the perfect day to get started.  it may be sunny out but cool enough that I don't want to hang out by the pool.
     2.  I am hoping to get myself back on track with my eating and exercise.  I have been going crazy 
          with my eating so I am gearing up to get my focus back.

 Those are really the 2 big things and of course there are tons of things I will do with each one but I won't bother listing them all.  I have them all in a book and I will check each thing off as I do it.

Time is flying by which is why I really hope to get my eating back on track.  I feel like I wasted an entire month but I will not continue with the bad habits.  I will get back to the mindset that I will work hard and eat clean but still enjoy special occasions.  I need to stop treating each day as a special occasion ;)

Well here is to a great week and a bit off

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I need to keep reminding myself that staying the same is better then gaining weight.  Right now my weight is kind of not budging which has its frustrations.  The thing that is keeping me in check is knowing that I am still eating healthy and exercising.  I have had a few slips (especially with the cold I had) but managed to get right back up and keep moving forward.  I know that I need to be a bit better with my portions of the healthy foods which I will start working on.

The program that I am doing is going to be starting a 28 reboot program which will be perfect for me.  The only thing is that I have a few events going on during those 28 days but hopefully for the majority of it I can keep myself in check.

I need to make sure I have a bunch of healthy snack options for me and the boys for our road trip.  I am not going to blow it while we are away.  I will do 2 days of running while I am there and I have 2 PT sessions booked which I am excited to try something different with a new person.

I am going to focus on balance (which i have been doing ok with but need to make it a bit better).  I think what I need is to be 100% most of the time and then when special events come up be good most of the day/evening and be able to enjoy a little treat without feeling the guilt.  That is just real life and something I want to achieve.

I found a 12 week running program in the back of a running log book I have and i plan on starting that soon.  It involves running 4x/week which i think I should be able to do.  I really want to get back into running.  Maybe not 1/2 marathon running but at least build up a long run to 10K.

well I need to head over to the grocery store and buy a few things.  today will be spent getting foods ready for my step son so he doesn't starve while we are away :)

Friday, April 7, 2017

24 hours

For the last 24 hours I feel like I lost focus but I now have it back.  I didn't do horrible but I ate more then what I normally would.  I am looking at it as being just life.  Things like this will happen and as long as I get my focus back that is the important thing.  I won't make any excuses.  I will just dust myself off and continue on the journey of reaching my goal of a healthy lifestyle.

I am doing my best to clean my house...well mainly the kitchen and bathroom (which is currently completed).  I feel like we are living in a dirty clutter of stuff and that does not help keep a positive mental attitude when you feel like you are living in a pigpen.  I will do my best to have the kitchen looking presentable by the time I go to bed tonight and my meal prep done for the 3 days that I am working.

My exercise is going well but I did take today off.  I am sick and I did work out yesterday and felt pretty drained after so I am taking a rest day today.  I need to get up early tomorrow and get some running done on the treadmill.  earlier this week I did some running outside and I just want to get back to that.  I will focus on my 6Km route (when I can) and just keep walking/running it and hopefully I will be able to run that route just like I used to.

I must get back to cleaning the kitchen.  Have a great weekend.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Time is flying by.  I am just happy that I am not starting this month thinking I really need to get the weight off.  I am achieving this goal and am happy with my results so far.  I am pretty sure that I am down 25 lbs.  I am having a hard time getting out of the plateau that I am currently in but I won't let it stop me from doing what I am doing.  I will keep working out and eating clean and I know that weight will start dropping again.

I have an interview for a position within the unit I am working on currently on thursday.  I am a little nervous but will just go with the flow.  I won't be upset if I don't get it but i am more concerned with who may get it if I don't.

I am doing 2 nights and I haven't done that in a while.  I am sure that it will be ok but I am really not liking being up all night.  I will be heading for a nap soon.  I hope to get just an hour or so of sleep before the kids get home from school

Speaking of naps I should actually get ready to do that now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Still on the wagon

I have still been doing pretty good with the eating clean and exercising.  I feel though that I need a tweak or something and Jill is having a month long Shred program which may be just what I need.  Just something a bit different.  A meal plan is included which is great and I can't wait to see it.  I find I have hit a plateau and I am hoping this is what I need to help me break through this plateau.

I did 2 workouts today which were both good workouts.  I am hoping that once the warmer weather gets here I will be able to do some running outside which may help with the plateau.

I am hoping to reach a certain weight by april 1st and will work so hard to achieve this.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

So far in March...

I have had a lot of unexpected social events so far in March and have a few more coming up.  The good news is that I have enjoyed them and have gotten right back on track after the event.  My goal is so keep going with this.

My exercise is going great.  I love my lean and fit classes, I am now doing 3 min run 1 min walk on the treadmill (just started that this week) and I have gone to a couple of classes out at Jills.  I crave exercise and I really hope this love of exercise keeps up.  I actually don't mind getting up so early and going to the classes.  it is a great start to my day 😀

The weight loss...I was actually surprised when I got on the scale today.  I lost 5.4 lbs this week which brings my grand total since Jan 1st to 24.2 lbs.  I have been trying for so long to get back on the wagon to shed the unwanted lbs and I finally did it.  I am feeling so much better in so many ways.

I have so much to do in the next couple of days.  My march schedule is so messed up with switches to help people out and to help myself out.  I need to just be on top of groceries and meal prep.

My weekend is starting today which is awesome.  I need a couple of days off and it will be packed full of stuff to do and fun things too